STRANGER THINGS Meets TWIN PEAKS in New Musical Mashup

It’s a show set in a small town, experiencing bizarre supernatural occurrences, with a large cast of characters. The first season kind of came out of nowhere and captured the zeitgeist of the whole country as the only thing anyone talked about for months. Now, I could be talking about this year’s Stranger Things…. or, if I were to go back in time, I could also be talking about 1990’s Twin Peaks. Because the cultural reaction to both shows has been almost identical.

Truth is, they mostly have just a few superficial things in common — Stranger Things is far more rooted in the ’80s aesthetics of Steven Spielberg and Stephen King, while David Lynch‘s influences on Twin Peaks were more of a throwback to the 1950s Americana of his youth, along with his own unique and twisted vision (although Winona Ryder’s character does seem to take a lot of cues from Twin Peaks‘ Mrs. Palmer, what with the chain smoking and the hysteria). Still, the similarities are enough to have fans already mashing up the two series.

Thanks to Welcome to Twin Peaks, we’ve learned that artist Leeni from Prom Queen has taken “Laura Palmer’s Theme” by Angelo Badalamenti from the original Twin Peaks soundtrack, and imagined what it would sound like in the ’80s synth style of the Stranger Things theme by S.U.R.V.I.V.E. And it actually works really, really well.  Called “Stranger Peaks” (of course), you can listen to this delightful mashup in the Soundcloud link below. Whether your dark alternate dimension of choice is the Upside Down or the Black Lodge, this mashup should tickle fans of both series.

Jonesing for more Stranger Things? Find out everything we know about Season 2 so far:

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Image: Netflix