Meet ROGUE ONE’s Dark Side Artoo, C2-B5

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is now only a few short months away, and Lucasfilm is whetting our appetites by teasing us on a nearly daily basis with new Rogue One photographs, toy images, and more. Now they’ve revealed an all-new droid who will be appearing in the movie, via the official Star Wars Show on YouTube. Say hello to C2-B5, an Imperial Astromech droid, who kind of looks like what you’d imagine R2-D2’s evil twin brother to look like. You can check out C2-B5 in all his black and chrome glory (why does evil always look so much cooler??) in the Tweet below:

So what did the Star Wars Show reveal about our new little Astromech? Well, much like the R-series droids, C2 is a mechanic. Unlike the good guys in the Rebel Alliance though, the Empire does not grant their droids independence of any kind, and subjects them to frequent memory wipes in order to keep them subservient (the Clone Wars animated series established that Artoo was unique in that Anakin, and presumably later Luke, never wiped his memory).

As for how big a part our new droid plays in the events of Rogue One, we’ll have to wait until the movie is released to find out. Hopefully he has a bigger part than the mouse droid that Chewie scared away in A New Hope. Even if the C2-B5 only appears in the movie for a split second, expect to see the professional droid builders go to town creating their own versions of this bad ass looking little Astromech.

What do you think of C2-B5? Cool looking, or is he just a poor excuse for an Artoo? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Rogue One hits theaters on December 16th.

Image: Lucasfilm