GREEN ARROW #21 Features Oliver Queen Vs. The Ninth Circle (Exclusive Preview)

One of the titles benefiting the most from the entire DC RebirthOpens in a new tab initiative has been Green ArrowOpens in a new tabfrom writer Benjamin PercyOpens in a new tab and artist Juan FerreyraOpens in a new tab. Together they’ve restored a lot of the things fans loved about Oliver Queen from the pre-FlashpointOpens in a new tab universe–his relationship with Black Canary, Roy “Arsenal” Harper–and made them relevant once again. They’ve also restored Ollie’s reputation as the original “social justice warrior,” only with emphasis on “warrior” in the literal sense. Oliver Queen should always be perpetually fighting “the man.”

In the start of this latest storyline from DC ComicsOpens in a new tab, Green Arrow has to face the forces of the Ninth Circle, who vow to bring down the Emerald Archer and everything and everyone he loves. Since the beginning of Green Arrow’s Rebirth, this international criminal and banking organisation has been a constant thorn in Oliver’s side. Now they are finally going to bring their vast power to bear, and it promises to be one bloody showdown.

You can check out our exclusive preview of the first five pages from Green Arrow #21, together with a variant cover from DC legend Mike Grell, in our gallery down below!

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Juan Ferreyra
Cover Artists: Juan Ferreyra, Mike Grell (Variant)

Here’s the official synopsis:

““THE RISE OF STAR CITY” part one! They killed Oliver Queen. They made an outlaw of Green Arrow. Now the Ninth Circle will gather its forces to destroy the hero’s very soul. Buildings will topple. Innocents will starve. Disease will spread. And Seattle will die. The biggest Green Arrow story ever begins here!

Green Arrow #21 is due to hit stores on Wednesday, April 19.

Are you looking forward to the latest chapter in the adventures of Oliver Queen? Let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics