And the New Doctor is…JODIE WHITTAKER!

After months and months of speculation and guessing and wishing and hoping about who might get to take on the title role of the Doctor in BBC’s Doctor Who, taking the reins from Peter Capaldi, we got our answer after watching Roger Federer win his eighth Wimbledon title. So who would be the Thirteenth Doctor (don’t pedant, me folks), and the first under new showrunner Chris Chibnall? Well, it was a name we all should have guessed but didn’t…Broadchurch actress Jodie Whittaker!

Whittaker has portrayed Beth Latimer, the grieving mother turned advocate, in Chibnall’s own crime drama series since 2013, and with that show ending, it seems Chibnall wanted to take with him a bit of Broadchurch for his new gig. Whittaker is breathtakingly good on that show, and has also given fantastic turns in Black Mirror–in perhaps the show’s most obliterating episode–as well as the cult sci-fi film Attack the Block. Broadchurch, of course, also stars former Doctor David Tennant.Jodie-WhitakerObviously, the announcement is a milestone for the series, which has given the lead role to men since 1963. Lately, with the casting of Michelle Gomez as the Master, and several references and nods in the past six seasons, it’s seemed increasingly likely that the role of the Doctor could, and perhaps would someday, go to a woman. We’re thrilled that that day is now, and especially that the mantle has gone to such a fantastic and exciting actor.This announcement will surely have its share of detractors, but for a show over 50 years old, there needs to be change, and this one is frankly well overdue. The Doctor is a hero for everybody, and I know just as many women who love the show as men; perhaps even more. And certainly now, in 2017 especially, having as many heroes as possible appeal to as many people as possible is nothing but a positive thing.As much as we’re sad to see Peter Capaldi step down, we’re 100% here for the Jodie Whittaker regime!Share your thoughts on Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor in the comments below!

Images: BBC America

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor and the resident Whovian for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!