Adam Savage’s REVENANT-Inspired SDCC Cosplay Was Epic

Adam Savage is legendary for his creative cosplay each year at San Diego Comic-Con, but this year he outdid even himself. Savage attended the convention in cosplay inspired by the Oscar-nominated movie The Revenant. Of course, he wasn’t just any character from the movie. No, Savage dressed as the bear from the film—you know, the one that mauls Leonardo DiCaprio’s character. What’s more, part of the costume was a stuffed DiCaprio carcass being dragged behind the bear and clutching an Oscar. Behold:


Savage partnered with master puppeteer Rick Lyon to create the costume, and actually managed to make the entire thing pretty light. No word on how toasty it was inside that bear suit, my money’s on super toasty. But at least the costume wasn’t heavy on top of it all.

Savage told EW that he’s always wanted to make a scary bear costume, so this was sort of a weird dream come true for him. Savage is quick to point out that his costume isn’t the right color for the bear in The Revenant, but with such a creative idea, we’re willing to cut him some slack. The DiCaprio corpse is brilliantly sewn to the bear’s leg so Savage didn’t actually have to carry around a fake body during the con.

Of course, Savage’s decision to incorporate DiCaprio into his costume is in no way meant to be a dig at DiCaprio. As Savage says in his interview with EW, it was just a silly thing to do that made him smile, and adding the Oscar made it that much better. Adam Savage is actually a huge Leonardo DiCaprio fan… even if portraying him mauled by a bear is a weird way to show your fandom.

Check out more pics of Savage in costume at Comic-Con below! What do you think of Savage’s Revenant cosplay? What has been your favorite Adam Savage SDCC costume? Tell us in the comments!

Images: Norman Chan/