Everyone has a streaming service these days. From Max to Peacock, there are a zillion services to sign up for and just as many things to watch. And streaming services are almost constantly in the news for price hikes and new restrictions, like ad-supported tiers. But we never thought we’d see the day where there is a NASA streaming service. Readers, that day is coming really soon. NASA announced that it will launch a streaming service called NASA+. Unlike many other streaming services, NASA+ will be free of cost and ads, which is awesome because we love to not spend money!

What Kind of Content Will Be on NASA+?
That’s a great question. NASA+ will offer live event coverage (think rocket launches) as well as original video series. No, there will not be alien talk shows nor a continuous loop of Beyoncé’s “Alien Superstar” playing. (Although we would love both of those things.) We don’t know any specifics about its upcoming content but the government agency is pretty stoked about this new offering. “We’re putting space on demand and at your fingertips with NASA’s new streaming platform,” said Marc Etkind, associate administrator at NASA. “Transforming our digital presence will help us better tell the stories of how NASA explores the unknown in air and space, inspires through discovery, and innovates for the benefit of humanity.”
It is all a part of NASA’s revamping strategy, which will include a fresh look to its website as well as the official app. There’s even a beta version of its website that you can browse right now.
How Can I Get NASA+ and What Is Its Release Date?
NASA+ will be available in the NASA app (on iOS and Android) as well as Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku, and on the internet. NASA’s new streaming service is set to arrive sometime in late 2023.