Wade Wilson himself would have appreciated the irony: his foul-mouthed kid sidekick Firefist from Deadpool 2, as played by Julian Dennison, wasn’t old enough to see the movie theatrically in his native New Zealand. Depending upon how liberal his parents are or how many older friends he has, it’s possible (though unlikely) he can’t even see the Blu-ray, so he’s pretty happy about the PG-13 Once Upon a Deadpool. In this promo aimed at New Zealand audiences  (hence the different rating names), and uploaded to YouTube by Comicbook.com, he explains why a star of Hunt for the Wilderpeople endorses the search for a tamer edit.

What did you expect? Of course he’s the best thing in it. Though he’s freaking us out in that Santa hat, because somehow we suspect Santa Firefist might swap out the signature sack for a good ol’ prison wallet, and we are so NOT here for that. Notably, Dennison does reveal that there are 20 minutes of new jokes, though he doesn’t specify if that means “new to theatrical,” as the Up joke was on the Blu-ray.Though the movie spoofs The Princess Bride by featuring an adult Fred Savage, this does make us wonder if a younger Fred could have taken Dennison in a fight. Naturally, Fred would have mutant powers too — maybe in keeping with the powerful body part name, he could have become Wonder Ears. Fred could probably take Julian in a fight now, but maybe we will actually find that out when Once Upon a Deadpool hits theaters Dec. 12th.

Image: 20th Century Fox