Want to know what the future looks like, but don't have supernatural power? Try something a bit more sciencey, and ask Elon Musk, because he and SpaceX are basically inventing it. They're turning Australia into a giant battery, building a bunch of underground tunnels for your car, and are substantially reducing how much is costs to fling a rocket into space. More accessible and cost-effective space travel has been at the top of Musk's to-do list for some time now, and if you follow him anywhere on social media, it seems like he's hitting milestones almost daily. A few hours ago, Musk shared the first ever photo of a SpaceX spacesuit, which he notes actually works and is not just a mockup.

Check it out:

The suit, which could double as an alternate Daft Punk costume, looks a lot like the images that surfaced early last year, which was designed by Hollywood costume designer Jose Fernandez and then reverse engineered to make it functional and safe for space travel. After SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket proves itself later this year, this very well could be the space suit the first humans bound for Mars wear. Musk promised more photos of the spacesuit in the next few days, so we'll soon be able to see if the rest of the suit also matches up with the early images. What do you think of the suit? Pretty slick, right? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Featured image: @elonmusk/Instagram

What else is up with Elon?

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