It’s a great time to adopt a pet. The COVID-19 pandemic has kept many of us indoors looking for some kind of company. And what better way to fill that gap than with a furry animal? And you know what they say: celebs, they’re just like us. It turns out actor Dennis Quaid was also looking for a new pet, and found one in the form of a shelter cat named… Dennis Quaid.

Or maybe it’s the other way around. A news station in Virginia, 10 News, aired a segment about their Clear the Shelters initiative last week. The segment introduced viewers to a cat at the Lynchburg Humane Society in need of a forever home. His name? Dennis Quaid, after the A-list actor known for films like The Big Easy, The Day After Tomorrow, and The Parent Trap. The real Dennis Quaid saw the segment and, in a lovely twist of fate, decided to adopt the cat.

Dennis Quaid the actor and Dennis Quaid the cat.10 News

“It was really off the wall, but I just couldn’t resist. I had to,” Quaid told the 10 News team in a Zoom call. “I’m out to save all the Dennis Quaids of the world.”

The adoption coincides with Quaid’s new pet podcast, The Pet Show, which he is executive producing. His podcast partner, Jimmy Jellinek, will fly to Virginia next week from Los Angeles to pick up the new office pet.

10 News

In a video segment on 10 News, Jellinek explained how they convinced the Lynchburg Humane Society staff that they were the real deal and not just prankers. It still left the staff a little shocked. Quaid recommended that they continue naming pets after celebrities to see who else swoops in to save a furry critter named in their likeness.

We couldn’t be happier to hear that little Dennis Quaid, the adorable shelter cat, will get such a perfect forever home. It’s what both Dennis Quaids deserve.

Featured Image: 10 News