FUN FACT: Much of the slash fan fiction out there is written by straight women. Why? Because seeing two male hotties entwined in forbidden love (you just can’t cross Firefly with Supernatural in reality, duh) is a fantasy for many. There’s no shame in admitting it. That’s what fanfic is for!

RocketJump: The Show, being fully aware of this, created a 10 minute short film devoted to slash fic. The story follows two friends, Allie (Ellary Porterfield) and Liz (Ashly Burch), who battle it out to bring their ideas for the ultimate fanfic to fruition. As they wrestle for control of the keyboard, we get a glimpse inside their minds to see what it would be like if Sherlock Holmes engaged Dracula in a lightsaber fight on a space ship… and then some… in a hilarious action/romance/sci-fi mashup. You can watch it for yourself in the video above. And if you look carefully, you may even spot Critical Role’s Matt Mercer in a role he was clearly destined to play.

Thank you, RocketJump. Thank you.

What characters would be in your ultimate fan fiction mashup? Let us know in the comments and give a shout out to RocketJump!

Featured image credit: RocketJump