The truth about the modern age is that it’s never too late to get a sequel or another entry in a franchise you love. And this latest revival will delight long-time gaming fans. Ron Gilbert is back with another installment of the classic point-and-click series, Monkey Island. The franchise’s first game, Secret of Monkey Island, debuted in 1990. And its second game, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, released in 1991. And now, Return to Monkey Island will release in 2022. That’s what we call a long-awaited revival. While there have been other games in the franchise since 1991, Return to Monkey Island serves as a follow-up to the first two games.

In the trailer for Return to Monkey Island, we learn that Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman have designed and written the game. Dave Grossman also served as co-writer and programmer on the original games. Additionally, music for the game is composed by Michael Land, Michael McConnell, and Clint Bajakian. These LucasArts composers also worked on the early Monkey Island adventures. According to Return to Monkey Island‘s trailer, this latest iteration is coming to us courtesy of “Ron Gilbert’s Terrible Toybox in collaboration with Devolver Digital and Lucasfilm Games.” Basically, this is one big reunion.

Ron Gilbert shared the news himself, noting he helped develop the game in complete secrecy. Right now, not much else is known about Return to Monkey Island. But we do see a website devoted to the game exists. The trailer notes that we can expect this latest Monkey Island iteration to come in 2022. So we’ll likely see more sooner rather than later. With all the original creators involved, we’re pretty sure we’ll like what we see, too.

Return to Monkey Island first look at classic video game sequel

In the meanwhile, we’ll make sure to get in some practice for our pointing and our clicking. We feel we may need those abilities pretty soon. We do that by playing re-releases of Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, available on Steam. The ’90s have absolutely returned to us. And we welcome them with open arms.