Holy wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey! Geek & Sundry family Player Piano have released a new video and it is out of this world.

Sonya Belousova powers her way through a brilliant rendition of the iconic Doctor Who theme song…cool sound effects and smoke included. Emerging from the TARDIS, sonic screwdriver in hand, Belousova plays on a piano that is beautifully TARDIS-blue. With each cut, Belousova changes into a different incarnation of the beloved Doctor. Any Whovian will be blown away not only by the gorgeous version of the theme song but also by each representation of their favorite Doctor.

I’ll definitely be hitting her up for her Seven outfit, just throwing that out there.

Where/when would you travel to? Let us know in the comments below!

And be sure to check out the rest of Player Piano’s videos right here.