You hear a lot about superfans going all out in honor of their favorite media properties, and then there’s Will Rubin, who had his bar mitzvah on June 24th and decided to have it be Jimmy Kimmel Live! themed. He really went all out, too: There was a custom logo, a Kimmel-inspired set, and an intro video.

He invited Kimmel to attend, but as the host put it, “there’s no way in hell I was going to Media, Pennsylvania.” In lieu of his actual presence, though, he recorded a video to be played at the party, in which Kimmel congratulated Rubin for becoming “a man with no body hair” and demanded half of the money his parents gave him to settle a potential copyright infringement dispute. He also sent a Guillermo-shaped ice sculpture to round out the Kimmel experience.

Kimmel did a video chat with Rubin on the show, and during their conversation, they got interrupted by a salty Jon Stewart. He was probably happy for the kid deep down, but was more offended that Rubin didn’t choose to idolize a Jewish talk show host (such as himself).

“He’s not rabbinical,” he said. “He’s just unhealthy. Will, wouldn’t you rather idolize a talk-show host who is also circumcised? Wouldn’t you rather? He’s not! Will, I don’t know how to put this. I don’t know how the kids say it: He’s still wearing his hoodie. Do you see what I’m saying?”

Fake anger aside, Rubin got to chat with two of the most famous talk show hosts of the past couple decades, so good for that boy… or rather, that young man.

Featured image: Jimmy Kimmel Live!