For a few years now, Jackbox Games – previously known as Jellyvision – made their living by producing yearly entries in the popular You Don’t Know Jack trivia series, which puts a clever comedic twist on the usual question fare. It’s still business as usual on that front, as its latest compilation, Jackbox Party Pack, features a 2015 edition of that game. But there’s more to do, depending on how much players are looking to make up.

Jackbox has released a pair of additional games that make the most out of creative answering, whether it’s convincing players that your answer is a true statement, or trying to throw them off guard with a smarmy solution to an interesting question (like, for instance, something that may have been said during the Last Supper).

The first is Fibbage, and it’s a game where players have to fill in the blank on an asked question. For instance, “‘Dasypygal’ is an adjective meaning ‘having _______ buttocks.'” The goal of the game is to convince other players to vote for your answer by making it as convincing as possible. In this case, “big” or even “dysfunctional” could work, although more creative types could get even crazier with their responses. Players respond by using their mobile devices, either tablet or mobile, through a simple connectivity system on

More details on Fibbage can be found here. It’s available for $6.99 for separate purchase, or can be bought via the Party Pack for $24.99, for those who prefer a package deal that includes Jack and other games.

Meanwhile, the other title, Quiplash, which released last month, is a bit on the wilder side. Players are given a question (like the one indicated above), then asked to provide an answer. For instance, if asked what players would be surprised to see a donkey do, “create a rap album” or “get into a fight with Sean Penn” could easily be utilized – although, depending on the audience, the answer may be even more adult-oriented.

What’s great about Quiplash is that it supports multiple players. Up to eight can enter answers, but up to 10,000 more can jump into the online audience, voting for their favorites, through a code entered on the webpage. This makes Quiplash ideal for live streaming sessions (it’s incredibly popular on Twitch), as well as local parties.

Like Fibbage, Quiplash is available for purchase on various platforms, going for $9.99.

While the nature of Quiplash (and even Fibbage, for that matter) are simple compared to other party games, their outreach is quite impressive, even though neither have much to offer in the way of single player content. No matter – simply get a few friends together, put your mind to work in terms of crazy but inventive answers, and watch the points build up. (It’s great for kids, too, provided you set the rules beforehand for “all-ages” answering.)

While the Jack trivia games remain timeless classics, there’s no question that Jackbox has a new legacy in play with these two games.