Over the past several years, we’ve seen variations on the classic Rider-Waite Tarot cards based around several pop culture properties. Star Wars, Wes Anderson characters, the Disney Princesses, you name it. But the thing is, few of these pop culture properties have the sheer amount of characters to inhabit all of the 78 cards in the deck. But Game of Thrones sure does.

Now an illustrator from Barcelona named David M. Buisán has showcased several of his Westeros-inspired divination cards, and the characters he has chosen are pretty spot-on. Although a few of these choice are going to be controversial. You can see a sampling of several of his Seven Kingdoms style Tarot cards down below.

The card for Temperance goes to Lady Olenna and Queen Margaery Tyrell. Maybe a controversial choice, given that temperance means “moderation or voluntary self-restraint.” I don’t think of Margaery as restrained all that much, but this is still a beautiful illustration.

However, one can’t question Arya Stark as “Death.” Just ask the Night King. And Walder Frey. And a couple other hundred people of three.

Arya’s sister Sansa represents Strength, and you’ll get no argument from us.

Poor Theon Greyjoy in his Ramsay Bolton crucifixion era is our “Hanged Man.” I know that was in season three, but still feels like it’s too soon.

Ser Breinne of Tarth is one of the most noble knights and just characters in all of Game of Thrones, so no one is more deserving of the card for Justice than her.

Tyrion Lannister is our Hermit card, and although he’s probably not my first choice among the Game of Thrones characters for that role, it’s not an ill-fit. I’d have put in the original Three-Eyed Raven. Because how long was he alone in that tree for?

Speaking of Three-Eyed Ravens, Bran Stark is our Magician card. He’s available for children’s birthday parties too.

Melisandre as the High Priestess. Who else could it be? I mean, it wasn’t going to be Hot Pie.

Cersai Lannister as the Empress and not Dany, eh? Maybe the artist knows something about how this show ends that we don’t.

And Jon Snow gets the Fool card. This is sure to not ruffle any Game of Thrones fan’s feathers. Ghost sure looks mad in this card. Jon probably should have pet him goodbye.

To check out the rest of Buisan’s amazing work, be sure to head to his Instagram account.

Images: HBO