Do you need a quick break from work? Do you need a break from the constant news cycle? Do you love cats? Do you love dominoes and elaborate contraptions? If so, you will get a thrill from this video. YouTube page Cat Navi Desk’s latest clip features a few wonderfully cute (and smart) cats watching and helping a cool domino setup go down in less than four minutes.

The video comes courtesy of the editor-in-chief and the deputy editor-in-chief of Neko Navi, a Japanese cat specialty media company. In the clip, a curious kitty gets things started by touching the first domino with its paw. Two cats take a lazy break while watching the dominoes fall in patterns until it suddenly stops at the black and white kitty.

There’s silence and a line of food waiting for the cat. Will the cat eat it? Will it touch the next domino to keep things going? The anticipation will make your hairs stand up. The kitty eats all of his food and takes a stretch break, but it doesn’t hit the domino. Oh no! Is everything ruined now?! Thankfully, the cat finally decides to brush up against the domino. Hurray! We love a good cat.

Things keep rolling forward until it stops again at another smart feline. There’s a slight tap on the box and it keeps going forward with more towers, more cats, and even a small white ball that one cat just can’t resist. In the end, the dominoes lead to two cat food dispensers. The cats are rewarded for their hard work with food because, let’s face it, they are the ones who really did the work.

Cat videos and elaborate displays of things falling are fun on their own. But, with their powers combined, you won’t be able to resist watching this clip just one time.

Featured Image: Cat Navi Desk