Things have started to turn around for the oft-maligned DC movie universe. Wonder Woman was a genuine smash hit and has a highly anticipated sequel on the way, Shazam and Aquaman look like they'll help move the franchise further towards its exciting new direction, and James Gunn will bring some of his Marvel magic to the next Suicide Squad.And yet no matter how good things get in Gotham, Metropolis, or Atlantis, one word still hovers over the entire cinematic universe: "Martha." What should have been a maternal coincidence between Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent became a major plot point in Batman v Superman, and also a major plot hole. But on today's Nerdist News host Jessica Chobot looks at director Zack Snyder's explanation of how a deleted scene would have fixed it. But does it raise even more questions than it answers?
[brightcove video_id="5859019917001" brightcove_account_id="3653334524001" brightcove_player_id="rJs2ZD8x"]It's easy to dunk on many of the questionable decisions in BvS, but Snyder's explanation about Superman's selective hearing choices doesn't totally fly with what we know about the character. Couldn't Lex Luthor have just made some kind of machine that kept Martha Kent quiet? That way you wouldn't have had to dramatically alter what makes the character of Superman so heroic and compelling.And if you fill a plot hole with another plot hole, does the original plot hole close, or does it get bigger? We don't know. Maybe someone can ask Zack Snyder. Or even better ask Superman. That is if he's listening.