Right now, the current wildfires in Southern California are at the forefront of our minds here at Nerdist. Many of us live in the Los Angeles area, with our home offices being based in Burbank. It is incredibly heartbreaking and difficult to see a city that quite a few of us either call home or frequent on a regular basis endure such an overwhelming natural disaster. During this time, it is vital to get updated information to people so they are able to evacuate safely, if needed, and stay safe while doing so. The Verge reports that Watch Duty, a non-profit wildfire tracking app that gives alerts and information from live maps, is a resource to help those in the Los Angeles area during this crisis. 

image of watch duty wildfire tracking app logo
Watch Duty

The app is free and operated by around 200 volunteers, many of whom are retired or active firefighters and first responders. It pulls wildfire information from government reports, volunteer reporters, and fully vetted recent 911 dispatch calls. Watch Duty also uses wildlife cameras, satellites and announcements from law enforcement and fire services to build its updates. Users of the Watch Duty wildfire tracking app can find safe evacuation routes and shelter locations to help protect themselves and their loved ones. So, if you are in the area, it could be very useful to download this app as soon as possible.

For those who are not in this area, consider donating to Watch Duty to support their live-saving cause. Our hearts go out to those who are affected by these wildfires.