Spoiler Alert

Agatha All Along is finally here after a very lengthy wait. For the past three years, Agatha Harkness a.k.a. Agnes has been living in a Westview preoccupied with her various delusions, including masquerading as a homicide detective. In the show’s first episode, we see a very different yet oddly familiar version of Westview that initially starts as a play on True Detective (and true crime shows in general) known as “Agnes of Westview,” and it includes a handful of familiar faces. Episode two continues to unveil more about Westview and even brings one character along for a wild adventure that leads to her untimely death. And episode six brings back a Westview character with unfortunate ties to Agatha.

Here are all the WandaVision characters who lived in Westview that appear in Agatha All Along in chronological order. 

Herb (Real Name: John Collins) 

Marvel Studios

Wanda and Vision’s neighbor Herb is in Agatha All Along. But this time, he’s not rocking an Afro nor catching anyone on the flipside. Instead, he’s been dealing and going along with Agatha’s constant delusions stemming from her entrapment in Wanda’s distorted spell. She imagines him as a forensics investigator who finds Wanda’s dead body in the woods. In reality, Herb is just a neighbor who 1) doesn’t want to see Agatha naked and 2) is probably over all the weird things happening in his town. 

Like everyone else, Herb remembers what happened in WandaVision and knows that Agatha is trapped mentally and cannot really leave. The town seems to go along with her ramblings until Teen and Rio show up to break her from the spell’s slumber. 

Dottie (Real Name: Sarah Proctor) 

The very bougie Dottie from WandaVision is actually a lot more chill and likeable in real life. In Agatha All Along, Dottie is Sarah Proctor, a Westview librarian who gives Agatha a piece of information about a library book checkout card she found near Wanda’s body. (Of course, Agatha still uses everyone’s sitcom names.) Well, not actually, but in her delusional/transfixed state. We later see Dottie and her family, including a daughter and husband Harold, watching Agatha run in the streets naked after she reclaims herself. 

Phil Jones (Real Name: Harold Proctor) 

In WandaVision, Phil Jones is the employee who is fired by Mr. Hart after a “terrible” dinner at his house. I guess that’s what happens when you wear a turtleneck. In Agatha All Along, Phil is regular ole Harold, husband to Sarah. We can assume he’s still a piano teacher, even though he was the chief of police for a bit in Agatha’s true crime loving mind. 

Norm (Real Name: Abilash Tandon)

Marvel Studios

Vision’s cheerful co-worker Norm is seen in Agatha All Along working at a pawn/repair shop. She stops in and shows him a locket with a piece of auburn hair inside of it. He looks as her oddly as she walks away, probably aware of what’s happening with her grip on reality. We see him later humorously as he runs in the opposite direction of a naked Agatha. Hopefully everything is okay with Norm’s dad and sister, whom he talked about briefly when he wasn’t under Wanda’s spell. 

Dennis (Real Name: Unknown)

Dennis was a pizza delivery man turned mail delivery guy in WandaVision. He is in the library and speaks to Agnes in Agatha All Along, telling her that there was a fire and every copy was destroyed. So technically he is still “just the messenger.” She doesn’t know it until a bit later, but he’s talking about the Darkhold. His cameo is perhaps the strangest of them all.

Señor Scratchy (Real Name:…presumably Señor Scratchy, possibly Nicholas Scratch)

Marvel Studios

The infamous bunny rabbit that everyone thought was some mage or evil being in WandaVision seemed to be not real. But now we know that Señor Scratchy is real and appears in Agatha All Along. He lives with Agatha and makes a couple of cute appearances before the coven heads off down Witches’ Road. It’s not lost on any of us that Scratchy is similar to her deceased (??) son’s name Nicholas Scratch. Could her son’s spirit be in her familiar’s bunny body. Maybe we will finally get answers about this bun.

Mrs. Hart (Real Name: Sharon Davis) 

Marvel Studios

The most important WandaVision character to appear in Agatha All Along is Mrs. Hart. She was the wife of Vision’s boss Mr. Hart who came over for that humorous and disturbing dinner in episode one of WandaVision. In this series, she accidentally hits Teen with her car while he’s trying to run from Agatha. This allows her to apprehend him and eventually find out that he wants to go to The Road, also known as Witches’ Road. He wants to discover power on its path and says it is what Agatha is missing.

There are entities coming to kill a magicless Agatha and she’s intrigued by Teen, so she really has no choice. But to do it, she needs a coven of people who are at least witchy adjacent to access The Road. She pieces together a few folks but they remind her that she needs a green witch. There wasn’t a name on the conjured list but there was a black heart symbol. So Agatha goes to Mrs. Hart, who is now a widow and deep into maintaining her garden. She invites Mrs. Hart to a “party” and ends up going right along with the adventure. She’s witchy enough to go along as their green witch, but she unfortunately dies after their first big trial.

Fake/Recast Pietro (Real Name: Ralph Bohner)

Marvel Television

Episode six took us back to Westview but in the past three years ago for Teen a.k.a. Billy Maximoff’s backstory. To find out more about who he actually was, Teen sought the help of a former Westview resident who would actually talk to him (or anyone) about the Hex events, Ralph Bohner. We discover that Agatha took Ralph’s house and made him do lots of terrible things as recast/fake Pietro. Hate to see it. Ralph left the town after the Hex’s curse and lives in Paramus doing one-man shows.

We don’t know if we will see more WandaVision characters in Agatha All Along. Of course, there’s always the hope to see Wanda, but who knows what will happen. Agatha and her new coven are on their way down Witches’ Road, so a return to Westview probably won’t happen any time soon, if it happens at all. Either way, it was fun to return to the town and once again see it from a weird perspective.

Originally published on September 18, 2024.