Do you love adding creamy bright orange cheese to your meals but just don’t have the time to melt any yourself? Well if that odd, highly specific issue really does apply to you, today is the best day of your entire life. Velveeta is getting into the condiment market with its brand new single-serve Vel2Go packets. And they are exactly what they sound like.

Velveeta wants to “satisfy cheesy cravings like never before,” and it’s doing that in a way it never has. The Kraft Heinz Company is making its iconic cheese available for the first time ever in a single-serve offering. New Vel2Go packets, which feature a creamy version of the signature orange foodstuff, also mark another first. They are also Velveeta’s entrance into the market as single-serve condiment.
Starting today, January 22, you’ll be able to take a packet of creamy Velveeta cheese with you anywhere the same way you might grab some ketchup and mustard. Hungry customers can grab this initial limited run of Vel2Go cartons at for $5.91 “while supplies last.” Each carton comes with four 1.1 ounce packets. If Vel2Go goes off we expect to see these packets become available full time. Especially because it’s the latest product in the company’s “La Dolce Velveeta” campaign that recently launched Velveeta’s ready-to-eat line of queso earlier this year.
What does “La Dolce Velveeeta” actually mean? It encourages “pleasure-seekers to live and embrace what the brand stands for – unapologetically living for outrageous pleasure every day and indulging in the things they love most.”
That’s exactly what we always thought Velveeta stood for so that checks out. But today is less about pleasure-seekers and more about you, the person we met at the start of this post. You’ve been so busy you didn’t even have time to eat Velveeta as often as you wanted. But those days are over. Finally/thankfully.