I'm a sucker for a good comic book event series. There's just something magical to me about seeing how a creative team can unite the myriad, disparate corners of a sprawling comic book universe to connect it all to a central, unifying story full of twists, turns, and surprises. That is exactly what has been happening right now in Marvel Comics' Secret Empire. After months and months of anticipation, the Marvel mega event is here at last, and it's having a seismic impact on both fans and the Marvel Universe itself. With so many shocking reveals--especially about beloved characters like Captain America--each new issue has kept my jaw well and truly agape. In fact, Captain America announcing that he was ride or die for Hydra was just the tip of the iceberg; on today's episode of The Dan Cave, we're going to show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes with a round-up of the most shocking Secret Empire moments so far. Secret Empire featured

(It should go without saying, but spoiler alert for all Secret Empire and tie-in comics up to and including those released on May 31, 2017.) Secret Empire is available now on Marvel.com, the Marvel Comics app, or at your local comic book store, which you can find using http://www.comicshoplocator.com. What's your favorite moment of Secret Empire so far? Let us know in the comments below! Editor's note: This episode of The Dan Cave is sponsored by Marvel Comics' Secret Empire. 

Image: Marvel

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