By now we're sure you've seen the news that legendary character actor Bill Paxton passed away at the age of 61. It's a sad day for anyone who loved his work and--with what seems to happen whenever a iconic actor passes--we're left to search for the right way to mourn his loss and celebrate his many contributions. With so many iconic roles over the years it's hard to give each its due and even we--in our announcement of his passing--didn't properly stress the real-life impact his role in 1996's Twister had on the world.Part of the silver lining (if we can call it that) to a beloved actor's death is what fans do to pay tribute and--man, oh man--the kindred spirits of storm chaser Bill "The Extreme" Harding came out in spectacular form to honor Paxton's death by painting his initials in storm chaser GPS check-ins.

According to Gizmodo, dozens of storm enthusiasts combined their efforts through their various networks and Facebook groups to draw a massive "BP" with their Spotter Network GPS check-ins. It's safe to assume that many people who hit the road today to literally put Paxton's initials on the map were, at least in part, inspired by Twister and his character. Weather enthusiasts (and Paxton fans) have been sharing the gigantic GPS drawing's progress on Twitter. All those points on the maps represent a message of love and respect from professionals, hobbyists, and even just fans of a fallen storm chaser, and we can't think of a better way to pay tribute.We'll miss you, BP.

Image: Warner Bros. Pictures