The galaxy far, far away is a big place. Huge. There are countless star systems and planets to visit and/or blow up.  It’s also been a dangerous place ever since the Skywalker family showed up. War and destruction seems to follow that Force-ful clan anywhere they go. And with so many threats to avoid even the Jedi must be ready to get up and go on a moment’s notice. That’s why all the three sequel films constantly feature characters preparing to leave with the utmost urgency. In fairness though, we never noticed just how true that is until we came across this most impressive—and most unexpected—montage from Auralnauts. They turned all those Star Wars moments where they are going places into a pop-punk music video. With a song that absolutely would have been an indie rock hit in 2003.

I can think of about 12 or 13 bands that easily could have recorded “Getting Ready To Go.” And all of them opened for Weezer at some point. But in actuality this catchy track (which we first heard at Boing Boing) comes from lead singer Scott Beetley and Auralnauts.

While it this video might feature a montage of Star Wars characters fleeing/running/leaving, what makes this whole thing so funny is that the lyrics have nothing to do with the franchise. It’s a perfect, angsty-yet-hopeful pop-punk parody. One that definitely would have served as an anthem for drama kids who didn’t go to any good high school parties. (I’m allowed to say that as a former drama kid who didn’t go to any good high school parties.)

Poe Dameron in his X-Wing cockpit bathed in green light in Star Wars going places video

The song originally appeared in Auralnauts farcical “Banana Time” take on The Force Awakens. You should also watch that. But clearly a track this excellent needed its own music video with nothing but our Star Wars faves going places.

The galaxy far, far away is vast and wondrous. But that’s why you always need to have a playlist ready for long trips. You never know when you’ll have to go. Especially with so many planets blowing up.