There are some theme songs that are just embedded into your mind. The first few notes of the X-Men animated theme is enough to jolt you out of whatever you’re doing and make you hum along to it. And, when it comes to video games, there are certain tunes that make you want to run to your nearest arcade immediately. For me, that’s the Pac-Man theme music. It continues to be one of my favorite arcade games, even if it does take my blood pressure up a notch. The Pac-Man theme song is pretty rad as it is, but it is also very cool in this DJ mix that flips the beat. (Thanks to Laughing Squid for bringing this to our attention.)
During the Lo-Fi Festival in Portland, DJ Keebz entertained a small crowd by taking the Pac-Man theme and adding some extra umph to it. You can see the people around him getting into the vibe of the music. On his IG page, the DJ revealed that he used a couple of machines, the Roland Global SP404 and Portabalism SC1000 to craft this beat. For those who aren’t familiar, the Lo-Fi Festival was created during the COVID-19 quarantine era as a way to bring lo-fi lovers together to celebrate chill music.

DJ Keebz made a YouTube video with the beat and said in the comments that he is working on finishing it for a full mix. I don’t know about you, but I’d listen to it on a loop throughout the day.