It’s almost exactly a month until Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is unleashed on audiences and the decades-long Skywalker saga finally comes to an end. It’s also the final entry into Disney’s “new trilogy” and will potentially be the last time we get to see Rey, Poe, Finn, Rose, and of course the galaxy’s biggest emo, Kylo Ren. In a radical new online teaser, Disney slipped in some brand new scenes that hint at massive action and exciting character moments for our beloved group of ragtag space babies.

As you can see, the 30-second clip showcases some of the best moments from the trailers that we’ve already deeply enjoyed and picked apart, like C-3PO saying goodbye to his friends and Finn cheering as he speeds along with Poe and the droids. But the most interesting thing about the little online spot is the new footage it includes, especially as some of it is really freaking epic.

The first new piece of footage we get to see is the Millennium Falcon headed off towards a new planet that has a decidedly orange hue. We know the crew will venture around the galaxy trying to find allies for the Resistance, so it’s likely that’s what’s drawn them there. Next up is Rey shooting a blaster off the back of a speeder and looking totally badass next to Chewie. This little clip definitely confirms what J.J. Abrams and co. have been promising: that the core trio will be adventuring together this time around.

We rounded up all the best new images that were released alongside the teaser, like the one of Poe flying the Falcon and getting very excited about it! But that’s not all as the teaser still has secrets to reveal, including a new shot of Rey wielding her lightsaber in a dusty street as she stands astride a staircase looking series and surrounded by ash or dust. Kylo Ren fans will be happy with a good close up on his newly fixed helmet—but is it really him wearing it?

That’s not the last of the new Kylo footage. Right after the helmet, we see a killer Rey/Kylo sequence that shows the moodiest boy in the galaxy either trying to stop or Force supporting Rey as she jumps into the depths of space in an attempt to reach a ship!!!!

The new teaser ominously finishes with the phrase “We’re all in this ’til the end.” Ohhh we’ve got the shivers.

The Rise of Skywalker Poster Rey and Kylo Ren.


We’ve only got a few weeks to wait until we can finally see what happens to all those handsome space folks and whether or not Abrams will truly succeed in uniting the three trilogies that mean so much to fans around the world. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits screens on December 20.

Header Image: Disney