One of cinema’s most terrifying space monsters might want to start planning for their next human enemy. Elle Fanning is set to star in Prey director Dan Trachtenberg’s next Predator film, Badlands. But while humans will feature in this movie, it’s actually the Predator himself who will be the hero of Predator: Badlands. Yep, that’s right. It’s time for a creature protagonist to step into the spotlight. And we can’t wait to know more. Here’s what Trachtenberg had to say about the unlikely emotion we’ll see in the Predator this time around.

The director reveals of Predator: Badlands‘ story, “The creature is front and centre, leading the charge… He’s still badass, but there’s something there that touches you emotionally, too. Creating a character you connect with, but are also super-intimidated by, has been challenging. But exciting.” Trachtenberg hopes to “find another essential piece of cinema that does what Prey did spiritually — pushing the franchise’s boundaries, letting us root for a hero we rarely get to root for — but in a different way. And that transformed into this big idea of rooting for the Predator.” Honestly, we are 100% in.
Meanwhile, human characters will still be running around. As mentioned, Elle Fanning, known for roles in Super 8, Maleficent, and The Great, is set to star. But Fanning won’t just be playing one character in Predator: Badlands, but instead will feature in multiple roles. Trachtenberg reveals, “She faced intense challenges on this movie — dramatically, physically, logistically,”
Deadline previously shared that the Predator: Badlands casting process began when 20th Century Studio executives learned Elle Fanning is a big fan of the franchise. Happily, it seems that we may not have to wait long to see her fight the Predator. The new Predator movie Badlands is expected to start shooting later this year.
Originally published on June 3, 2024.