Just like no one will ever replace Johnny Carson, no one will ever replace Alex Trebek. But just like The Tonight ShowJeopardy is television royalty and someone will become the permanent host of the iconic gameshow. A few have already done so in a guest role, including former champ Ken Jennings and NFL star Aaron Rodgers. But one person, who is as capable as anyone of filling the impossibly large shoes left by the late host, apparently isn’t even under consideration. At least he hasn’t been so far. We’re hoping that will change soon, now that LeVar Burton has said he wants to be Jeopardy’s new host.

Star Trek‘s very own Geordi La Forge tweeted out a Change.org petition calling for him to become the new host of the famous gameshow. His tweet (which we first saw at Gamespot) also came with a simple, direct message for those who have the ability to make this happen.

Why wouldn’t they want him? He might be the single most perfect person for the job. Not just because he’s basically the total opposite of Dr. Oz, who inexplicably was already tapped for a guest host assignment.

LeVar-Burton on CBS Sunday MorningCBS

We trust Burton to always know what’s going on and to be honest with us. The official petition lays out the case why he should get the job:

“Between hosting 21 seasons of the educational Reading Rainbow, playing the brainiac engineer Geordi La Forge on Star Trek: the Next Generation, and filling the roll of Kunta Kinte in the ever important mini-series Roots, LeVar Burton has inspired and shaped the minds of several generations of trivia-loving nerds. This petition is to show Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. and producers Mike Richards and Harry Friedman just how much love the public has for Burton, and how much we’d all love to see him as the next host of Jeopardy!”

We could not possibly agree more. Burton proved with Reading Rainbow he has the gravitas and deft touch to lead any show. Hopefully soon he’ll be the answer to Jeopardy‘s hardest question of how to replace Alex Trebek?