Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park is a stone-cold classic, even thirty years past its release. But classic or not, some of its depictions of dinosaurs have turned out to not be entirely scientifically accurate. In the three decades since Jurassic Park conquered the world, scientists have discovered several new things about dinosaurs, including that many species had feathers. Among those species were Velociraptors, the scariest dinos in the film. Now, via Comic Book, we’ve learned that a YouTuber named CoolioArt has given a makeover to a couple of raptor scenes from Jurassic Park, and the now feathered-fiends are a whole different kind of scary. You can watch below:
The first remade Jurassic Park moment is the iconic kitchen scene. It’s the scene where Tim and Lex have to hide from the raptors on the loose. We’ll say this, putting black feathers on these critters does not make them any less scary. They are still terrifying, whether they look like giant lizards or giant birds. No matter how many times we watch this scene, it still manages to give us anxiety. A feathered redesign doesn’t change that at all.

The second redone scene is from the climax of the film, when raptors corner Lex, Tim, Dr. Grant, and Dr. Sattler in the Jurassic Park main lobby. And once again, turning the raptors into “giant turkeys” (as that one annoying kid said at the start of the film) somehow makes them that much scarier. Sadly, this Jurassic Park “special edition” cuts off before the T-Rex comes in to save the day. We’ll just have to wait for part three to see the T-Rex fight with those pesky raptors. The T-Rex does not require a big feathery redesign though. Modern science suggests that they actually were covered in scales, and not feathers. Jurassic Park got that part right at least.