Remember how Clint Barton became a serial killer after his entire family was snapped out of existence by Thanos? What if, instead of losing his soul and going on an international murder spree, Hawkeye had found another, less destructive means of dealing with his emotions? Well, Jeremy Renner just gave us an idea of what that might have looked like. Or better yet, sounded like, because the actor just released a song… and we don’t know why.

After a tease Thursday on Twitter that felt like it had to be a clever way to promote an upcoming role (or literally anything else that makes sense), it turns out Renner really did record his own version of Sam Feldt’s “Heaven Don’t Have a Name.” And it’s… totally fine! This is, by any objective standard, a perfectly okay song that you might hear on a pop radio station. But what makes this (somehow) even weirder is that Renner sang backup on the original in 2018.

So this is an actor’s cover of a song he was already was featured on, released with no context.

What the **** is happening?

Is that title an oxymoron? Is this a new genre of music known as “Dad in Crisis?” Is Jeremy Renner, a talented and successful actor who is part of the most successful movie franchise in the world, okay? Is he okay?

Look, these are all good, important questions, and if anyone can answer them for us please do. We’d also like to know more about why no one ever told us about his previous forays into the recording studio, like when he did a cover of a Crash Test Dummies’ song for Tag‘s end credits.

Uh, we don’t think that’s supposed to be funny, since Renner includes it on his Spotify page. JEREMY RENNER HAS A SPOTIFY PAGE. Which is how we now know about his cover of “ House of the Rising Sun.”

And doooooown the rabbit hole we go.

Somebody please go check on Jeremy Renner for us, because while Ronin’s reign of terror was unforgivable, at least it made sense.

Featured Image: Marvel