Marvel and DC Comics have dominated the comic book industry for decades and used to have a more friendly rivalry. It wasn’t uncommon for say, the Punisher to meet Batman, or the Silver Surfer to hang out with Green Lantern in crossover specials. But by the time the Avengers and the Justice League finally teamed up in 2003, relations between the two publishers had gotten frosty. Now, there may finally be a thaw in the divide, and today’s Nerdist News goes over a few unofficial Marvel and DC crossovers recently featured in both universes.

Join host and the lone survivor of the Amalgam Universe, Jessica Chobot, as she goes back in time 15 years to explain why DC and Marvel basically put each other on their respective *bleep* list. It’s important to note the vast majority of Marvel and DC creators and employees get along swimmingly. However, a select few in higher positions who may be holding a grudge.[brightcove video_id=”5793398840001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]

As you can see in the below panel from Lockjaw #4, the Inhumans‘ giant teleporting dog took a sidetrip to the DC Universe during his battle with Annihilus. It’s pretty obvious they were greeted by Superman and Wonder Woman. Marvel’s Infinity Countdown has also alluded to Shazam (a.k.a. the original Captain Marvel) as an alternate counterpart to Carol Danvers’ Captain Marvel.

These unofficial crossovers aren’t one-sided. The “Travelers” storyline in the Batman ongoing series featured a shout out to Jarvis, the long-time butler for the Avengers. And it was done in a way that suggests Booster Gold and his faithful robot, Skeets, are fully aware of the Marvel Universe.

Will these nods lead to more official crossovers between Marvel and DC? It certainly seems more possible now than it did just a few years ago. But if nothing else, we’re really enjoying the unofficial crossovers and want to see more.

What’s your dream Marvel and DC crossover team up? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel Comics/DC Comics

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