Game of Thrones is now officially a thing of the past. And although its conclusion may be divisive for many, there is one thing we can all agree on: The score for the series from composer Ramin Djawadi was always superb, and that opening credits theme song is forever iconic. In an era where many of us hit “skip intro” on streaming TV shows, we can’t imagine anyone skipping over the Game of Thrones opening theme. The music always puts you in the frame of mind for high stakes drama and lots of epic medieval violence.

Now, thanks to the folks over at Digg (via Laughing Squid), we’ve learned about musician  GBH, who has created a Synthesia keyboard remix of the Game of Thrones theme. The video for this remix shows a multi-colored interface that allows the viewer to visually track the progress of the song by showing a series of falling notes. While most of the so-called “impossible mixes” on the GBH YouTube channel are for various pop songs, there are a few other geeky film and TV favorites peppered in there as well. There’s a version of the Ghostbusters theme, along with music from Harry Potter, Star Wars, and even The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

Now that he’s given us a keyboard remix of the Game of Thrones main title theme, maybe GBH can tackle some of the other iconic musical cues from the series’ eight year history? “The Rains of Castamere” instantly springs to mind, as does “Mother of Dragons.” And there are several others as well. A keyboard remix of “ The Night King” from from this last season would be amazing.

Ramin Djawadi’s score for Game of Thrones will go down in history as one of the greats, so however fans want to honor it is fine with me.

Images: HBO