Disney Lorcana: Ursula’s Return has been with us since May, and we’ve all been learning how this latest chapter plays into a building storm in the magical realm of Lorcana. Ursula is nothing if not persistent. She’s also, unfortunately, super powerful. The Disney Lorcana: Ursula’s Return Illumineer’s Trove reflects all things Ursula with its moody color palette and tendrils of a dark smoke. Ravensburger sent an Illumineer’s Trove to Nerdist for review, so let’s take a closer look.

Ursula’s Return Illumineer’s Trove

DISNEY LORCANA Gets Moody With URSULA’S RETURN Illumineer’s Trove_1

To review, here’s what comes with the Illumineer’s Trove:

  • 8 booster packs
  • 1 lore tracker
  • 6 dice to track damage
  • 6 card dividers
  • 1 storage box

You’ll notice this chapter’s Illumineer’s Trove sadly does not bring back the lore booklet that digs into more of the story. Hopefully we see it come back in future sets or in another form.

The MSRP is $49.99. The booster packs alone make it worth it, but then for a little extra, you get themed items to zhuzh your gameplay and storage. These extras have increased in quality with each release. The storage box has splashy art with heroes and villains fighting and emphasizing that Ursula’s Return is about action and stopping Ursula. It’s quality and the kind of box I would find a purpose for if I didn’t need it for all my Lorcana cards.


While we’ve seen dividers and a lore tracker in a previous Illumineer’s Trove, these fit right into the darker theme of this release. Wisps of smoke or a dark mist wrap the lore counter, which shows numbers in a fuchsia color. The dividers are different in that, instead of marking the color of the ink, they’re for organizing your cards by rarity. With their muted colors, these dividers fit right into the overall vibe. And hey, I like them because maybe it will help me finally memorize the rarity symbols.

Finally, my favorite part of the Ursula’s Return Illumineer’s Trove: the damage counter dice. They’re swirled aqua and purple with gold numbers—lovely with just a hint of transparency, which I choose to interpret as light hitting the shallow depths of the ocean. Also, those are just some of my favorite colors. I’m never going to be mad about adding more dice to my collection.

The Disney Lorcana: Ursula’s Return Illumineer’s Trove is available from your local game store and mass market retailers now.