Spoiler Alert

Creature Commandos has ended its first season, and as we saw in the finale, Task For M isn’t going anywhere. Not only are they coming back for a second season, but from the looks of things, with an expanded roster too. But which DC Comics monsters might get drafted by Amanda Waller? There is no shortage of monsters from DC history that James Gunn could utilize. Here are some DC monsters we hope join Creature Commandos in season two, as well as a few we hope DC Studios holds out on.

DC Comics

DC Monsters We Want to See in Creature Commandos

Solomon Grundy

DC Comics

Solomon Grundy is an iconic DC villain, who started out as a Golden Age Green Lantern foe, eventually becoming part of Batman’s rogues’ gallery. A simple-minded (but nearly indestructible) pasty white zombie, Grundy originally was a man named Cyrus Gold. The wealthy Cyrus was murdered and dumped in the swamp in the late 19th century. Resurrected over decades by mystical swamp gasses, he became the undead creature nicknamed Solomon Grundy. In a future season of Creature Commandos, Solomon Grundy would make for the perfect “muscle” member in Task Force M. And his slow-witted responses to just about everything could make him comedy gold. Grundy has been comedic relief in everything from Justice League Unlimited to Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Besides, we know Gunn can’t resist a good lumbering zombie.


DC Comics

This classic Wonder Woman villain, who became iconic as a member of the Legion of Doom on the animated Super Friends, may look human but she’s a lot more than that. Giganta was actually an ape, mutated into looking like a human woman. It just so happened this woman could grow up to be several stories tall. If Wonder Woman villain Circe shows up in a Creature Commandos show, why not Giganta? We think James Gunn would have a blast writing about an ape in the body of a glamorous-looking woman. And if Grundy becomes a member of Task Force M, then it would be a Legion of Doom reunion for both villains.

Mister Mind

DC Comics

Remember when Shazam! introduced the villainous Mister Mind in the first movie’s post-credits scene? And then nothing happened with him in the sequel? Well, maybe James Gunn can do something interesting with the classic Captain Marvel villain, a genius-level sentient worm from the planet Venus. (Look, Golden Age comics were all kinds of goofy.) We can’t think of a more ideal fit for a show like Creature Commandos than Mister Mind. He is just is the kind of silly bad guy we could see James Gunn having a ball with. And it’s not like there’s going to be a Shazam! 3 anytime soon. Might as well make him a part of Task Force M.

DC Monsters We Don’t Want in Creature Commandos (Yet)


DC Comics

An iconic and tragic part of Batman’s rogues’ gallery, the Man-Bat has long been a persistent foe for the Dark Knight. He even starred in an early and iconic episode of Batman: The Animated Series. Scientist Kirk Langstrom tried to use bat DNA to change his genetic code but instead transformed into a terrifying were-bat creature. Of course, the Man-Bat would fit right in with the Creature Commandos, but we hope that James Gunn is waiting to introduce this character into the DCU with a proper Batman project. Nothing against animation, but Man-Bat is overdue for a live-action tussle with Batman. He shouldn’t make his DCU debut in Creature Commandos.

Etrigan the Demon

DC Comics

The creation of none other than Jack Kirby, DC introduced the demonic Etrigan in the ‘70s. This was around the same time as Kirby’s New Gods series. A reptilian and yellow humanoid creature, Etrigan was an ancient rhyming demon. Etrigan actually shared his corporeal form with a medieval human named Jason Blood. The wizard Merlin cursed him with this demonic existence after betraying Camelot. Much like Man-Bat, the Demon Etrigan is just too cool a character to introduce as a supporting player in Creature Commandos. He can (and should) carry his own project, be it live-action or animated. He should fight them (or join them) at some point, but only after his own solo series or film.

Killer Croc

DC Comics

Waylon Jones, the crocodile-skinned metahuman and former carnival freak named Killer Croc, has been a thorn in Batman’s side since the early ‘80s. He already appeared in the first Suicide Squad movie, played by actor Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. But we’re really not sure how that movie even fits into DCU continuity anymore (if it does at all). While Croc would technically fill the requirements for Task Force M membership, we feel they should wait to add him. As with Man-Bat, when they do introduce Croc, it should be in something Batman-related.