Well…I bet Gearbox thought the timing of this announcement was going to be much more triumphant initially. The long-gestating feature film adaptation of Borderlands arrived to abysmal reviews and staggeringly small box office returns. But, silver lining, the player count for 2019’s Borderlands 3 saw a spike on Steam the week of release. And hopefully for the game studio, that interest in the series continues with the announcement that Borderlands 4 is on the way. Take a look at the very teasery teaser.

The teaser, which premiered at Gamescom 2024, came with the equally teasery description:

In this next installment of the definitive looter shooter, players will assume the role of a legendary Vault Hunter as they blast their way through hordes of enemies in search of new treasures to loot on an all-new planet.

A Psycho mask from Borderlands 4 teaser.
Gearbox Studios

So, in other words, it’s a Borderlands game. While the teaser seems very serious, the series has always employed a puerile sense of humor along with its trademark cel-shaded animation. The previous mainline entry of the game got decent reviews and sold over 18 million copies. Meanwhile the two spin-off titles, Tiny Tina’s Wonderland and New Tales from the Borderlands, both from 2022, fared less well.

No release date yet for Borderlands 4 but you can wishlist it on Steam if that’s a thing you like to do. Maybe wait to see some actual gameplay footage first.

Kyle Anderson is the Senior Editor for Nerdist. He hosts the weekly pop culture deep-dive podcast Laser Focus. You can find his film and TV reviews here. Follow him on Instagram and Letterboxd.