The art of Valyrian steel is lost to the people in the Game of Thrones universe. Much like a Stradivarius violin, it just can’t be replicated, which is kind of a shame since it’s one of the few materials that can kill a white walker and ho ho ho… well y’all know winter is coming.

Tourism Ireland, a marketing company that encourages overseas visits to Ireland, put together a project in which they create their own “Northern Irish Valyrian Steel” knives. The Damascus blades are forged from Northern Irish iron ore, meteorite, and volcanic obsidian. If you’re familiar with Game of Thrones lore, then you know that obsidian can kill a white walker. And did you catch that bit about meteorite? So not only are these knives made of walker-slaying dragonglass, but also rocks from outer-frickin-space.

Three knives were created for the project: one paring knife (12cm blade), a utility knife (17cm blade), and a chef’s knife (23cm blade). The knives were then delivered to Michelin-starred OX restaurant in Belfast to be used by master chef Stephen Toman.

Sure, Toman used the blades to cook instead of slay white walkers, but I can forgive it because that’s his job. This video is one of many Tourism Ireland is creating in partnership with HBO. There is another series in which they’re transforming storm-damaged trees from a Thrones filming site into beautifully ornate doors.

Do you have dreams of wielding Valyrian steel blades? Okay, so that’s a dumb question because of course you do. Tell us what kind of sword you would make from Valyrian steel in the comments!

Featured image credit: HBO