For the better part of a decade, Deborah Harkness’ novel, A Discovery of Witches, has languished in development as a movie. While Warner Bros. has yet to go forward with that cinematic adaptation, fans of Harkness’ All Souls trilogy have something new to look forward to. The British network, Sky One, is debuting A Discovery of Witches TV series later this year. Via Entertainment Weekly, the first trailer has arrived, and it opens up a world that blends historical fiction with the supernatural.

A Discovery of Witches stars Teresa Palmer as Diana Bishop, a young historian studying at Oxford who discovers a long missing book of spells that is highly sought after by witches, vampires, and daemons. Diana is also a powerful witch, but without any formal training or true allies. Matthew Goode co-stars in the series as Matthew Clairmont, a vampire who is charged with retrieving the magic tome from Diana. But as the trailer indicates, the potential romance between Diana and Matthew may thrust both of them into even more danger from their respective tribes.

Sky hasn’t set a specific date for A Discovery of Witches, nor are there currently any confirmed plans to bring the series to North America. That said, it’s probably just a matter of time before this show finds a home in the United States. If BBC America doesn’t pick it up, then Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime would probably be the most likely contenders for it.

Are you excited to see A Discovery of Witches come to TV? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: Sky One

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